Time for Wallingford to Embrace New Technology

I couldn’t agree more with Larry Morgenstein’s letter to the editor in yesterday’s Record-Journal. These are exactly the types of opportunities our town should be rising to rather than shrinking from as we have in the past.

Record-Journal Article Link

A relic of the past?


The failure of dinosaurs to adapt to change led to extinction and their fate of becoming fossil fuels.

In previous discussions the mayor, his administration and some councilors dismissed investment in electric vehicle charging stations as too expensive or as a passing fad.

At Tuesday’s Town Council meeting, Wallingford took a tentative step forward into the 21st century and a green future. Information was presented that there was an array of possibilities that encompassed everything from private investment to grants that would subsidize the installation of EV charging stations. There could actually be a possibility of no cost to the town or a possible revenue source.

The small step forward reached was an agreement for the Town to put together RFP’s to seek various proposals and grants. Hopefully it should be a start that ends with an installation of charging stations in various areas of the town.

Vision, innovation and adaptation are key to our town’s future. Our POCD calls for EV technology as a goal. Actual implementation of charging stations markets Wallingford as a destination. It markets us as a forward-looking town. It markets us as a town that attracts a younger and greener demographic. It sends a message we are forward-thinking and that we are not content to just survive, but to thrive.

Dinosaurs did quite well for a long time, but it didn’t last. Fossil fuels were key to development but times have changed and what once encouraged growth is now destructive to growth. Political administrations that coast on the status quo become history.

Once upon a time Wallingford embraced new technology and the benefit of a Wallingford Electric Company still pays dividends to the community. Isn’t it time now for Wallingford to make history instead of continuing to be a relic of history past?

-Larry Morgenstein, Wallingford


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