Thank you…

Thank you… that’s really all I can say about yesterday, and I can’t say it enough. No, we did not win this election, but thanks to all of you we came closer than any other challenger has in the last 30 years, and it was incredibly close at that. Only 300 votes separated us.

Below is the closing address I gave at our election night watch party, and while it was a bit emotional to deliver after such a long journey to this point, I couldn’t be prouder of what we accomplished as a team. Despite not achieving the result we ultimately wanted, we fundamentally changed the game; Wallingford is not the same town it was when we started this campaign ten months ago.

Rest assured that this is only the beginning. I will never stop fighting for Wallingford, in whatever form that fight may take, and I assure you all that our best days lie just ahead of us. For our future, now and always.


Campaign Kick-Off 2023


Mayoral Debate (full video)